import * as util from './utils.js'
import Color from './Color.js'
// /** @module */
// /** @exports ColorMap */
* A colormap is simply an array of typedColors with several utilities such
* as randomColor, closestColor etc.
* This allows the colors to be simple integer indices
* into the Array. They are also designed to be webgl-ready, being
* composed of typedColors.
/** @namespace */
const ColorMap = {
// ### Color Array Utilities
// Several utilities for creating color arrays
* Ask the browser to use the canvas gradient feature
* to create nColors given the gradient color stops and locs.
* See Mozilla [Gradient Doc](
* This is a powerful browser feature, can be
* used to create all the MatLab colormaps.
* Stops are css strings.
* Locs are floats from 0-1, default is equally spaced.
* @param {number} nColors integer number of colors to be returned
* @param {Array} stops Array of nColors css colors, placed at locs below
* @param {Array} locs Array of nColors floats in [0.1]. Default to even distribution
* @returns {Array} Returns Array of nColors rgba color arrays
gradientImageData(nColors, stops, locs) {
const ctx = util.createCtx(nColors, 1)
// Install default locs if none provide
if (!locs) locs = util.floatRamp(0, 1, stops.length)
// Create a new gradient and fill it with the color stops
const grad = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, nColors, 0)
util.repeat(stops.length, i => grad.addColorStop(locs[i], stops[i]))
// Draw the gradient, returning the image colors typed arrays
ctx.fillStyle = grad
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, nColors, 1)
return util.ctxImageColors(ctx)
// ### Array Conversion Utilities
// Convert a Uint8Array into Array of 4 element typedColors.
// Useful for converting ImageData objects like gradients to colormaps.
// WebGL ready: the array.typedArray is suitable for Uniforms.
// typedArraytoColors(typedArray) {
// const array = []
// util.step(
// typedArray.length,
// 4,
// // Note: can't share subarray as color's typed array:
// // it's buffer is for entire array, not just subarray.
// i => array.push(Color.typedColor(...typedArray.subarray(i, i + 4)))
// )
// array.typedArray = typedArray
// return array
// },
// Convert an Array of Arrays to an Array of typedColors.
// Webgl ready as above.
// arraysToColors(array) {
// const typedArray = new Uint8ClampedArray(array.length * 4)
// util.repeat(array.length, i => {
// const a = array[i]
// if (a.length === 3) a.push(255)
// typedArray.set(a, i * 4)
// })
// return this.typedArraytoColors(typedArray)
// },
* Convert an Array of rgba color arrays into Array of 4 element typedColors.
* @param {Array} Array of rgba color arrays
* @returns Array of the rgba arrays to Color.typedColors
arrayToTypedColors(array) {
return => Color.toTypedColor(a))
// Permute the values of 3 arrays. Ex:
// [1,2],[3],[4,5] -> [ [1,3,4],[1,3,5],[2,3,4],[2,3,5] ]
permuteArrays(A1, A2 = A1, A3 = A1) {
const array = []
for (const a3 of A3) {
// sorta odd const works with ths, but...
for (const a2 of A2) for (const a1 of A1) array.push([a1, a2, a3])
return array
// Use permuteArrays to create uniformly spaced color ramp permutation.
// Ex: if numRs is 3, permuteArrays's A1 would be [0, 127, 255]
permuteRGBColors(numRs, numGs = numRs, numBs = numRs) {
const toRamp = num => util.integerRamp(0, 255, num)
const ramps = [numRs, numGs, numBs].map(toRamp)
return this.permuteArrays(...ramps)
// ### ColorMaps
// ColorMaps are Arrays of TypedColors with these additional methods.
// Used to be memory effecent (shared colors), webgl compatible, and for
// MatLab-like color-as-data.
ColorMapProto: {
// Inherit from Array
__proto__: Array.prototype,
// Create a [sparse array]( of index[pixel] = pixel.
// Used by indexOf below for exact match of a color within the colormap.
createIndex() {
this.index = []
util.repeat(this.length, i => {
const px = this[i].getPixel()
this.index[px] = i
if (this.cssNames) this.index[this.cssNames[i]] = i
// Return a random color within the colormap
randomColor() {
return this[util.randomInt(this.length)]
// Set alpha of all the colors ih the map
// Note this will be shared by all users of this map!
// Use clone() to have your own copy of a shared map.
setAlpha(alpha) {
util.forLoop(this, color => color.setAlpha(alpha))
// Clone this colorMap
clone() {
return this.cloneColorMap(this)
// Return the color at index of this array.
// Wrap the index to be within the array.
atIndex(index) {
return this[index % this.length]
// Return the index of a typedColor within the colormap,
// undefined if no exact match.
// Use the `closest` methods below for nearest, not exact, match.
indexOf(color) {
if (this.index) return this.index[color.getPixel()]
for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
if (color.equals(this[i])) return i
return undefined
// Return color scaled by number within [min, max].
// A linear interpolation (util.lerp) in [0, length-1].
// Used to match data directly to a color as in MatLab.
// Ex: scaleColor(25, 0, 50) returns the color in the middle of the colormap
scaleColor(number, min = 0, max = this.length - 1) {
// number = util.clamp(number, min, max)
if (min === max) return this[min]
const scale = util.lerpScale(number, min, max)
const index = Math.round(util.lerp(0, this.length - 1, scale))
return this[index]
// Return the Uint8 array used to create the typedColors,
// undefined if not webgl ready.
// webglArray() {
// return this.typedArray
// },
// Debugging: Return a string with length and array of colors
toString() {
return `${this.length} ${util.arraysToString(this)}`
// Iterate through the colormap colors, returning the index of the
// min typedColor.rgbDistance value from r, g, b
rgbClosestIndex(r, g, b) {
let minDist = Infinity
let ixMin = 0
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
const d = this[i].rgbDistance(r, g, b)
if (d < minDist) {
minDist = d
ixMin = i
if (d === 0) return ixMin
return ixMin
// Return the color with the rgbClosestIndex value
rgbClosestColor(r, g, b) {
return this[this.rgbClosestIndex(r, g, b)]
// Calculate the closest cube index for the given r, g, b values.
// Faster than rgbClosestIndex, does direct calculation, not iteration.
cubeClosestIndex(r, g, b) {
const cube = this.cube
if (!cube) throw Error('cubeClosestIndex: requires the cube arrays')
const rgbSteps = => 255 / (c - 1))
const rgbLocs = [r, g, b].map((c, i) => Math.round(c / rgbSteps[i]))
const [rLoc, gLoc, bLoc] = rgbLocs
return rLoc + gLoc * cube[0] + bLoc * cube[0] * cube[1]
cubeClosestColor(r, g, b) {
return this[this.cubeClosestIndex(r, g, b)]
// Choose the appropriate method for finding closest index.
// Lets the user specify any color, and let the colormap
// use the best match.
closestIndex(r, g, b) {
return this.cube
? this.cubeClosestIndex(r, g, b)
: this.rgbClosestIndex(r, g, b)
// Choose the appropriate method for finding closest color
closestColor(r, g, b) {
return this[this.closestIndex(r, g, b)]
// ### Utilities for constructing ColorMaps
// Convert an array of colors to a colormap.
// The colors can be strings, numbers, rgb arrays
// They are converted to typedColors.
basicColorMap(colors) {
// colors = this.arraysToColors(colors)
colors = this.arrayToTypedColors(colors)
Object.setPrototypeOf(colors, this.ColorMapProto)
return colors
// Create a gray map (gray: r=g=b)
// These are typically 256 entries but can be smaller
// by passing a size parameter and the min/max range.
grayColorMap(min = 0, max = 255, size = max - min + 1) {
const ramp = util.integerRamp(min, max, size)
return this.basicColorMap( => [i, i, i]))
// Create a colormap by permuted rgb values.
// numRs, numGs, numBs are numbers, the number of steps beteen 0-255.
// Ex: numRs = 3, corresponds to 0, 128, 255.
// NOTE: the defaults: rgbColorCube(6) creates a `6 * 6 * 6` cube.
rgbColorCube(numRs, numGs = numRs, numBs = numRs) {
const array = this.permuteRGBColors(numRs, numGs, numBs)
const map = this.basicColorMap(array)
// Save the parameters for fast color calculations.
map.cube = [numRs, numGs, numBs]
return map
// Create a colormap by permuting the values of the given arrays.
// Similar to above but with arrays that may have arbitrary values.
rgbColorMap(R, G, B) {
const array = this.permuteArrays(R, G, B)
return this.basicColorMap(array)
// Create an hsl map, inputs are arrays to be permutted like rgbColorMap.
// Convert the HSL values to Color.colors, default to bright hue ramp (L=50).
hslColorMap(num = 360, S = 100, L = 50) {
const hues = util.integerRamp(1, 360, num)
const colors = => Color.hslCssColor(h))
const typedColors = => Color.toTypedColor(c))
return this.basicColorMap(typedColors)
transparentColorMap(num = 1) {
// const array = Array(num).fill(0)
// return this.basicColorMap(array)
return this.staticColorMap(0, num)
staticColorMap(color, num = 1) {
color = Color.toTypedColor(color)
const array = Array(num).fill(color)
return this.basicColorMap(array)
// Use gradient to build an rgba array, then convert to colormap.
// Stops are css strings or typedColors.
// locs defaults to evenly spaced, probably what you want.
// This easily creates all the MatLab colormaps like "jet" below.
gradientColorMap(nColors, stops, locs) {
stops = => c.css || c) // convert stops to css strings
// get gradient colors as typed arrays & convert them to typedColors
const uint8arrays = this.gradientImageData(nColors, stops, locs)
const typedColors = this.arrayToTypedColors(uint8arrays)
Object.setPrototypeOf(typedColors, this.ColorMapProto)
return typedColors
// The most popular MatLab gradient, "jet":
jetColors: [
'rgb(0, 0, 127)',
'rgb(0, 0, 255)',
'rgb(0, 127, 255)',
'rgb(0, 255, 255)',
'rgb(127, 255, 127)',
'rgb(255, 255, 0)',
'rgb(255, 127, 0)',
'rgb(255, 0, 0)',
'rgb(127, 0, 0)',
// Two other popular MatLab 'ramp' gradients are:
// * One color: from black/white to color, optionally back to white/black.
// stops = ['black', 'red'] or ['white', 'orange', 'black']
// The NetLogo map is a concatenation of 14 of these.
// * Two colors: stops = ['red', 'orange'] (blends the two, center is white)
// The 16 unique [CSS Color Names](, case insensitive.
// In CSS 2.1, the color 'orange' was added to the 16 colors as a 17th color
// Aqua == Cyan and Fuchsia == Magenta, 19 total color names.
// These sorted by hue/saturation/light, hue in 0-300 degrees.
// See [Mozilla Color Docs]( for *lots* more!
'white silver gray black red maroon yellow orange olive lime green cyan teal blue navy magenta purple'.split(
' '
'white silver red maroon yellow orange olive lime green cyan teal blue navy magenta purple'.split(
' '
// Create a named colors colormap
cssColorMap(cssArray, createNameIndex = false) {
const array = => Color.cssToUint8Array(str))
const map = this.basicColorMap(array)
map.cssNames = cssArray
// REMIND: kinda tacky? Maybe Maybe generalize for other
// map types: map.closest(name)
if (createNameIndex) {
cssArray.forEach((name, ix) => {
map[name] = map[ix]
if (map.cyan) map.aqua = map.cyan
if (map.magenta) map.fuchsia = map.magenta
return map
// Clone a colorMap. Useful if you want to mutate an existing shared map
cloneColorMap(colorMap) {
const keys = Object.keys(colorMap)
const clone = this.basicColorMap(colorMap)
util.forLoop(keys, (val, i) => {
if (clone[i] === undefined) clone[val] = colorMap[val]
return clone
// ### Shared Global ColorMaps
// NOTE: Do NOT modify one of these, they are shared and would
// surprise anyone useing them. Use cloneColorMap() to have your own
// private one, or call any of the map factories above .. see below.
// The shared global colormaps are lazy evaluated to minimize memory use.
// NOTE: these are shared, so any change in them are seen by all users!
LazyMap(name, map) {
Object.defineProperty(this, name, { value: map, enumerable: true })
return map
get Gray() {
return this.LazyMap('Gray', this.grayColorMap())
get Hue() {
return this.LazyMap('Hue', this.hslColorMap())
get LightGray() {
return this.LazyMap('LightGray', this.grayColorMap(200))
get DarkGray() {
return this.LazyMap('DarkGray', this.grayColorMap(0, 100))
get Jet() {
return this.LazyMap('Jet', this.gradientColorMap(256, this.jetColors))
get Rgb256() {
return this.LazyMap('Rgb256', this.rgbColorCube(8, 8, 4))
get Rgb() {
return this.LazyMap('Rgb', this.rgbColorCube(16))
get Transparent() {
return this.LazyMap('Transparent', this.transparentColorMap())
get Basic16() {
// 17 unique + 2 "aliases" = 19 names. "16" historic
return this.LazyMap(
this.cssColorMap(this.basicColorNames, true)
// get Bright16() {
// // Basic16 w/o grays: white, black
// return this.LazyMap(
// 'Bright16',
// this.cssColorMap(this.brightColorNames, true)
// )
// },
export default ColorMap