
import * as util from './utils.js'
import AgentList from './AgentList.js'

// Class Patch instances represent a rectangle on a grid.  They hold variables
// that are in the patches the turtles live on.  The set of all patches
// is the world on which the turtles live and the model runs.

// Flyweight object creation:
// Objects within AgentSets use "prototypal inheritance" via Object.create().
// Here, the Patch class is given to Patches for use creating Proto objects
// (new Patch(agentSet)), but only once per model/breed.
// The flyweight Patch objects are created via Object.create(protoObject),
// This lets the new Patch(agentset) object be "defaults".

 * Class Patch instances represent a square on the {@link Patches} grid.
 * They hold variables
 * that are in the patches the turtles live on.  The set of all patches
 * is the world on which the turtles live and the model runs.
 * You do not use `new Patch`, rather Class {@link Model} creates the patches
 * for you, using the {@link World} data passed to the Model.
 * You *never* do this:
class Patch {
    static defaults = {
        turtles: null,
        z: 0,

        // Set by AgentSet
        agentSet: null,
        model: null,
        name: null,
    static variables = {
        // none

    constructor() {
        Object.assign(this, Patch.defaults)
    newInstance(agentProto) {
        const insstance = Object.create(agentProto)
        Object.assign(insstance, Patch.variables)
        return insstance

    get x() {
        return ( % +
    get y() {
        return (
   - Math.floor( /
    // get z() {
    //     return 0
    // }
    // set z(z) {}

     * Return whether or not this patch is on the edge of the atches.
     * @returns {boolean}
    isOnEdge() {
        return this.patches.isOnEdge(this)

    // Getter for neighbors of this patch.
    // Uses lazy evaluation to promote neighbors to instance variables.
    // To avoid promotion, use `patches.neighbors(this)`.
    // Promotion makes getters accessed only once.
    // defineProperty required: can't set this.neighbors when getter defined.
     * Return an array of this patch's 8
     * [Moore neighbors](
     * @returns {AgentArray}
    get neighbors() {
        // lazy promote neighbors from getter to instance prop.
        const n = this.patches.neighbors(this)
        Object.defineProperty(this, 'neighbors', { value: n, enumerable: true })
        return n
     * Return an array of this patch's 4
     * [Von Neumann neighbors](
     * (north, south, east, west).
     * @returns {AgentArray}
    get neighbors4() {
        const n = this.patches.neighbors4(this)
        Object.defineProperty(this, 'neighbors4', {
            value: n,
            enumerable: true,
        // console.log('n4', n, this.neighbors4)
        return n

    // Promote this.turtles on first call to turtlesHere.
     * Return an Array of the turtles on this patch.
     * @returns {AgentArray}
    get turtlesHere() {
        if (this.turtles == null) {
            this.patches.ask(p => {
                p.turtles = new AgentList(this.model)
            this.model.turtles.ask(t => {
        return this.turtles
    // Returns above but returning only turtles of this breed.
     * Returns an Array of the particular breed on this patch.
     * @param {String} breed
     * @returns {AgentArray}
    breedsHere(breed) {
        const turtles = this.turtlesHere
        return turtles.withBreed(breed)

    // 6 methods in both Patch & Turtle modules
    // Distance from me to x, y.
    // 2.5D: use z too if both z & this.z exist.
    // REMIND: No off-world test done
    distanceXY(x, y, z = null) {
        const useZ = z != null && this.z != null
        return useZ
            ? util.distance3(this.x, this.y, this.z, x, y, z)
            : util.distance(this.x, this.y, x, y)
    // Return distance from me to object having an x,y pair (turtle, patch, ...)
    // 2.5D: use z too if both agent.z and this.z exist
    // distance (agent) { this.distanceXY(agent.x, agent.y) }
    distance(agent) {
        const { x, y, z } = agent
        return this.distanceXY(x, y, z)

    // distanceXY(x, y) {
    //     return util.distance(this.x, this.y, x, y)
    // }
    // // Return distance from me to object having an x,y pair (turtle, patch, ...)
    // distance(agent) {
    //     return this.distanceXY(agent.x, agent.y)
    // }

    // Return heading towards agent/x,y using current geometry
    towards(agent) {
        return this.towardsXY(agent.x, agent.y)
    towardsXY(x, y) {
        // return util.radiansTowardXY(this.x, this.y, x, y)
        let rads = util.radiansTowardXY(this.x, this.y, x, y)
        return this.model.fromRads(rads)
    // Return patch w/ given parameters. Return undefined if off-world.
    // Return patch dx, dy from my position.
    patchAt(dx, dy) {
        return this.patches.patch(this.x + dx, this.y + dy)
    patchAtHeadingAndDistance(heading, distance) {
        return this.patches.patchAtHeadingAndDistance(this, heading, distance)

    sprout(num = 1, breed = this.model.turtles, initFcn = turtle => {}) {
        return breed.create(num, turtle => {
            turtle.setxy(this.x, this.y)

export default Patch