import * as util from '../src/utils.js'
// This module primarily manages various GIS structures:
// * xyz: The slippy map coords array [x, y, z(oom)] integers.
// * lon, lat: Longitude/latitude (in x, y .. lon, lat order)
// * points: [lon, lat] arrays
// * bbox: an array of [west, south, east, north] lon/lat values
// Note the order is (minx, miny, maxx, maxy), another semi standard
// * tile: a 256 x 256 image used in slippy maps at a xyz map location
// See: which we follow
// Note there is a simple conversion for [lat, lon] coord orders: latlon(lonlat)
// /** @namespace */
/** @module */
const { PI, atan, atan2, cos, floor, log, pow, sin, sinh, sqrt, tan, abs } =
const radians = degrees => (degrees * PI) / 180
const degrees = radians => (radians * 180) / PI
// Current gis and geoJson uses lon/lat coords, i.e. x,y.
// This converts to latlon, i.e. y,x.
* Current gis and geoJson uses [lon, lat] coords, i.e. x,y.
* - This converts these to [lat, lon], i.e. y,x as used by leaflet
* - If Array contains multiple [lon, lat] subarrays, convert them all
* @param {Array} latlon Convert a [lon, lat] to [lat, lon]. If Array of Array, perform latlon on each
* @returns [lat, lon]
export function latlon(lonlat) {
if (typeof lonlat[0] !== 'number') return => latlon(val))
return [lonlat[1], lonlat[0]]
// There are two coord systems here: tile X/Y & zoom coords and lon/lat Coords
// This can be quite confusing:
// Tiles have the top/left as the 0,0 origin, with positive x,y coords "down"
// LonLat are both in degrees, lon: -180/+180 and lat: ~85/-~85 in degrees
// So tiles are like pixel coords (scaled by 2**zoom), and lonlat euclidean degrees.
// Tiles use a ZXY corrd system. We use lower case for these below.
// Tile Helpers
// Convert lon,lats to tile X,Ys
// Although XYZs for tiles are all integrs, we provide float versions as
// well for things like finding the distance of an arbitrary lonlat to
// the edges of the tile
export function lonz2xFloat(lon, z) {
return ((lon + 180) / 360) * pow(2, z)
export function lonz2x(lon, z) {
return floor(lonz2xFloat(lon, z))
export function latz2yFloat(lat, z) {
const latRads = radians(lat)
return (1 - log(tan(latRads) + 1 / cos(latRads)) / PI) * pow(2, z - 1)
export function latz2y(lat, z) {
return floor(latz2yFloat(lat, z))
export function lonlatz2xyFloat(lon, lat, z) {
return [lonz2xFloat(lon, z), latz2yFloat(lat, z)]
export function lonlatz2xy(lon, lat, z) {
return [lonz2x(lon, z), latz2y(lat, z)]
// returns top-left, or north-west lon, lat of given tile X Y Z's
// adding 1 to either x,y or both gives other corner lonlats
export function xz2lon(x, z) {
return (x / pow(2, z)) * 360 - 180
export function yz2lat(y, z) {
const rads = atan(sinh(PI - (2 * PI * y) / pow(2, z)))
return degrees(rads)
export function xyz2lonlat(x, y, z) {
return [xz2lon(x, z), yz2lat(y, z)]
// adding 0.5 to x,y returns lonlat of center of tile
export function xyz2centerLonlat(x, y, z) {
return [xz2lon(x + 0.5, z), yz2lat(y + 0.5, z)]
// Return a lonlat bbox for xyz tile.
// x,y any point within the tile like center etc.
// We use the usual bbox convention of
// [minX, minY, maxX, maxY] or [west, south, east, north]
export function xyz2bbox(x, y, z, digits = null) {
const [west, north] = xyz2lonlat(x, y, z)
const [east, south] = xyz2lonlat(x + 1, y + 1, z)
if (!digits) return [west, south, east, north]
return util.precision([west, south, east, north], digits)
export function xyInBBox(bbox, pt) {
const [west, south, east, north] = bbox
const [x, y] = pt // lon, lats
return util.isBetween(x, west, east) && util.isBetween(y, south, north)
// export function bbox2xyz(bbox) {
// const [west, south, east, north] = bbox
// const [x0, y0] = lonlatz2xy(west,)
// }
export function lonLatz2bbox(lon, lat, z) {
const [x, y] = lonlatz2xy(lon, lat, z)
return xyz2bbox(x, y, z)
// export function xyz2zxy(xyz) {
// const [x, y, z] = xyz
// return [z, x, y]
// }
// Leaflet style latlon corners to bbox
// "bouonds" uses leaflet's latlon while "bbox" uses our lonlat
// this may not be needed: leaflet allows [lat, lon] arrays
// where every latlng bounds are used.
export function Lbounds2bbox(leafletBounds) {
// let { lng: east, lat: north } = leafletBounds.getNorthEast()
// let { lng: west, lat: south } = leafletBounds.getSouthWest()
let { lng: west, lat: north } = leafletBounds.getNorthWest() // topLeft
let { lng: east, lat: south } = leafletBounds.getSouthEast() // bottomRight
return [west, south, east, north]
// given a gis bbox, return the corners of the surounding tiles, in tile XY coords
export function tilesBBox(bbox, z) {
const [west, south, east, north] = bbox
const [westX, northY] = lonlatz2xy(west, north, z)
let [eastX, southY] = lonlatz2xyFloat(east, south, z)
eastX = floor(eastX)
southY = Number.isInteger(southY) ? southY - 1 : floor(southY)
return [westX, southY, eastX, northY]
export function bboxCenter(bbox) {
const [west, south, east, north] = bbox
return [(west + east) / 2, (south + north) / 2]
export function bboxCoords(bbox) {
const [west, south, east, north] = bbox
return [
[west, north], // topLeft
[east, north], // topRight
[east, south], // botRight
[west, south], // botLeft
export function bboxBounds(bbox) {
const [west, south, east, north] = bbox
return [
[west, north], // topLeft
[east, south], // botRight
// Return a geojson feature for this bbox
export function bboxFeature(bbox, properties = {}) {
const coords = bboxCoords(bbox)
coords.push(coords[0]) // polys are closed, repeat first coord
return {
type: 'Feature',
geometry: {
type: 'Polygon',
coordinates: [coords],
export function bboxFromCenter(center, dLon = 1, dLat = dLon) {
let [lon, lat] = center
return [lon - dLon, lat - dLat, lon + dLon, lat + dLat]
export const santaFeCenter = [-105.978, 35.66] // from leaflet click popup
export const santaFeBBox = bboxFromCenter(santaFeCenter, 0.2, 0.1)
export const newMexicoBBox = [-109.050044, 31.332301, -103.001964, 37.000104]
export const newMexicoCenter = bboxCenter(newMexicoBBox)
export const usaBBox = [-124.733174, 24.544701, -66.949895, 49.384358]
export const usaCenter = bboxCenter(usaBBox)
export function bboxSize(bbox) {
const [west, south, east, north] = bbox
const width = abs(west - east)
const height = abs(north - south)
return [width, height]
export function bboxAspect(bbox) {
const [width, height] = bboxSize(bbox)
return width / height
export function bboxMetricSize(bbox) {
const [west, south, east, north] = bbox
const topLeft = [west, north]
const botLeft = [west, south]
const topRight = [east, north]
const width = lonLat2meters(topLeft, topRight)
const height = lonLat2meters(topLeft, botLeft)
return [width, height]
export function bboxMetricAspect(bbox) {
const [width, height] = bboxMetricSize(bbox)
return width / height
// Create a url for OSM json data.
// south, west, north, east = minLat, minLon, maxLat, maxLon
// shows a newer url
export function getOsmURL(south, west, north, east) {
const url = ''
const params = `\
return url + encodeURIComponent(params)
// Use the osm url to grab data. The overpass wiki sez:
// The API is limited to bounding boxes of about 0.5 degree by 0.5 degree
export async function bbox2osm(bbox) {
const [west, south, east, north] = bbox
const url = getOsmURL(south, west, north, east)
const osm = await fetch(url).then(resp => resp.json())
return osm
// Explanation:
export function lonLat2meters(pt1, pt2) {
const [lon1, lat1] = => radians(val)) // lon/lat radians
const [lon2, lat2] = => radians(val))
// generally used geo measurement function
const R = 6378.137 // Radius of earth in KM
const dLat = lat2 - lat1
const dLon = lon2 - lon1
const a = sin(dLat / 2) ** 2 + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * sin(dLon / 2) ** 2
// pow(sin(dLat / 2), 2) +
// cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * sin(dLon / 2) * sin(dLon / 2)
const c = 2 * atan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1 - a))
const d = R * c
return d * 1000 // meters
export function attribution(who = 'osm') {
const prefix = 'Map data © '
switch (who) {
case 'osm':
return (
prefix + '<a href="">OpenStreetMap</a>'
case 'topo':
return prefix + '<a href="">OpenTopoMap</a>'
// case 'topo':
// return prefix + '<a href="">OpenTopoMap</a>'
case 'topo1':
return (
prefix + '<a href="">OpenTopoMap</a>'
case 'smooth':
return prefix + '<a href="">Stadia Maps</a>'
case 'usgs':
return (
prefix +
'Tiles courtesy of the <a href="">U.S. Geological Survey</a>'
throw Error('gis.attribution: name unknown:', who)
export function template(who = 'osm') {
switch (who) {
case 'osm':
return '{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
case 'topo':
return '{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
case 'topo1':
return '{z}/{x}/{y}.png?key=iQurAP6lArV1UP4gfSVs'
case 'smooth':
return '{z}/{x}/{y}{r}.png'
case 'usgs': // doesn't use .png extension
return '{z}/{y}/{x}'
case 'contour':
return ''
// case 'contour':
// return '{z}/{x}/{y}'
// case 'contour1':
// return '{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf?key=iQurAP6lArV1UP4gfSVs'
throw Error('gis.template: name unknown:', who)
export function url(z, x, y, who = 'osm') {
switch (who) {
case 'osm':
return `${z}/${x}/${y}.png`
case 'topo':
return `${z}/${x}/${y}.png`
case 'topo1':
return `${z}/${x}/${y}.png?key=iQurAP6lArV1UP4gfSVs`
case 'smooth':
return `${z}/${x}/${y}{r}.png`
case 'usgs':
return `${z}/${y}/${x}`
throw Error('gis.url: name unknown:', who)
export function elevationTemplate(who = 'mapzen') {
switch (who) {
case 'mapzen':
return `{z}/{x}/{y}.png`
case 'maptiler':
return `{z}/{x}/{y}.png?key=iQurAP6lArV1UP4gfSVs`
case 'redfishUSA':
return `{z}/{x}/{y}.png`
case 'redfishWorld':
return `{z}/{x}/{y}.png`
case 'mapbox':
return (
`{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token=` +
throw Error('gis.elevationTemplate: name unknown:', who)