/** @module */
// xxxx Beginning of jsUtil
// note Deno has "window" alas!
export function inMain() {
return globalThis.document !== undefined
export function inWorker() {
// This should work for browser and deno
return globalThis.WorkerGlobalScope !== undefined
export function inNode() {
return typeof globalThis.require !== 'undefined'
export function inDeno() {
return typeof globalThis.Deno !== 'undefined'
export function hasCanvas() {
return globalThis.canvas !== 'undefined'
// ### Async & I/O
// Like Function but is async
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/AsyncFunction
export function AsyncFunction(argsArray, fcnBody) {
const ctor = Object.getPrototypeOf(async function () {}).constructor
const asyncFcn = new ctor(...argsArray, fcnBody)
return asyncFcn
// Async convert blob to one of three types:
// Type can be one of Text, ArrayBuffer, DataURL
// Camel case ok: text, arrayBuffer, dataURL
// export async function blobToData(blob, type = 'dataURL') {
export function blobToData(blob, type = 'dataURL') {
type = type[0].toUpperCase() + type.slice(1)
const types = ['Text', 'ArrayBuffer', 'DataURL']
if (!types.includes(type))
throw Error('blobToData: data must be one of ' + types.toString())
const reader = new FileReader()
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
reader.addEventListener('load', () => resolve(reader.result))
reader.addEventListener('error', e => reject(e))
reader['readAs' + type](blob)
// deprecated, use: await fetch(url).then(res => res.<type>())
// Async Fetch of a url with the response of the given type
// types: arrayBuffer, blob, json, text; default is blob
// See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Response#methods
export async function fetchData(url, type = 'blob') {
const types = ['arrayBuffer', 'blob', 'json', 'text']
if (!types.includes(type))
throw Error('fetchData: data must be one of ' + types.toString())
return fetch(url).then(res => res[type]())
export async function fetchJson(url) {
return fetchData(url, 'json')
export async function fetchText(url) {
return fetchData(url, 'text')
// see fetchImage/ImageBitmap(url) for using the DOM Image in domUtils
// Return a dataURL for the given data. type is a mime type: https://t.ly/vzKm
// If data is a canvas, return data.toDataURL(type), defaulting to image/png
// Otherwise, use btoa/base64, default type text/plain;charset=US-ASCII
export function toDataURL(data, type = undefined) {
if (data.toDataURL) return data.toDataURL(type, type)
if (!type) type = 'text/plain;charset=US-ASCII'
return `data:${type};base64,${btoa(data)}}`
export async function blobsEqual(blob0, blob1) {
const text0 = await blob0.text()
const text1 = await blob1.text()
return text0 === text1
* Return promise for pause of ms.
* Use: await pause(ms)
* @param {number} [ms=1000] Number of ms to pause
* @returns {Promise} A promise to wait this number of ms
// export function timeoutPromise(ms = 1000) {
export function pause(ms = 1000) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms)
* Use pause for an animation loop.
* Calls the fcn each step
* Stops after steps calls, negative means run forever
* @param {function} fcn The function to be called.
* @param {number} [steps=-1] How many times, -1 means forever
* @param {number} [ms=0] Number of ms between calls.
export async function timeoutLoop(fcn, steps = -1, ms = 0) {
let i = 0
while (i++ !== steps) {
fcn(i - 1)
await pause(ms)
export function waitUntilDone(done, ms = 10) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
function waitOnDone() {
if (done()) return resolve()
else setTimeout(waitOnDone, ms)
// ### Debug
let skipChecks = true // fix!
// Function expected a number, got -1.7766780716149864,4.371793401308164,-14.268209308169977
export function checkArg(arg, type = 'number', name = 'Function') {
// // console.log(arg, type, name)
// if (skipChecks) return
// const argType = typeof arg
// if (argType !== type) {
// throw new Error(`${name} expected a ${type}, got ${arg}`)
// }
export function checkArgs(argsArray, type = 'number', name = 'Function') {
// if (skipChecks) return
// if (typeOf(argsArray) === 'arguments') argsArray = Array.from(argsArray)
// // console.log(argsArray, type, name)
// argsArray.forEach(val => {
// checkArg(val, type, name)
// })
// Print a message just once.
const logOnceMsgSet = new Set()
export function logOnce(msg, useWarn = false) {
if (!logOnceMsgSet.has(msg)) {
if (useWarn) {
} else {
export function warn(msg) {
logOnce(msg, true)
// Use chrome/ffox/ie console.time()/timeEnd() performance functions
export function timeit(f, runs = 1e5, name = 'test') {
name = name + '-' + runs
for (let i = 0; i < runs; i++) f(i)
// simple performance function.
// Records start & current time, steps, fps
// Each call bumps steps, current time, fps
// Use:
// const perf = fps()
// while (perf.steps != 100) {}
// model.step()
// perf()
// }
// console.log(`Done, steps: ${perf.steps} fps: ${perf.fps}`)
export function fps() {
const timer = typeof performance === 'undefined' ? Date : performance
// const start = performance.now()
const start = timer.now()
let steps = 0
function perf() {
// const ms = performance.now() - start
const ms = timer.now() - start
const fps = parseFloat((steps / (ms / 1000)).toFixed(2))
Object.assign(perf, { fps, ms, start, steps })
perf.steps = 0
return perf
// Print Prototype Stack: see your vars all the way down!
export function pps(obj, title = '') {
if (title) console.log(title) // eslint-disable-line
let count = 1
let str = ''
while (obj) {
if (typeof obj === 'function') {
str = obj.constructor.toString()
} else {
const okeys = Object.keys(obj)
str =
okeys.length > 0
? `[${okeys.join(', ')}]`
: `[${obj.constructor.name}]`
console.log(`[${count++}]: ${str}`)
obj = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj)
export function logAll(obj) {
Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => console.log(' ', key, obj[key]))
export function cssTrace(
names = ['position', 'cursor', 'display', 'width', 'height']
) {
let element = document.querySelector(elementName)
while (element) {
const styles = window.getComputedStyle(element)
console.log('element:', element)
// console.log('styles:', styles)
console.log('tag:', element.tagName)
names.forEach(name => console.log(name + ':', styles[name]))
// console.log('Position:', styles.position)
// console.log('Top:', styles.top)
// console.log('Left:', styles.left)
// console.log('Display:', styles.display)
element = element.parentElement // Move up to the parent
// ### Dom
// ### Math
// const { PI, floor, cos, sin, atan2, log, log2, sqrt } = Math
export const PI = Math.PI
* Returns ramdp, int in [0, max), equal or grater than 0, less than max
* @param {number} max The max integer to return
* @returns {number} an integer in [0, max)
export function randomInt(max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * max)
* Returns an int in [min, max), equal or grater than min, less than max
* @param {number} min The min integer to return
* @param {number} max The max integer to return
* @returns {number} an integer in [min, max)
export function randomInt2(min, max) {
return min + Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min))
* Returns a random float in [0, max)
* @param {number} max The max float to return
* @returns {number} a float in [0, max)
export function randomFloat(max) {
return Math.random() * max
* Returns a random float in [min, max)
* @param {number} min The min float to return
* @param {number} max The max float to return
* @returns {number} a float in [min, max)
export function randomFloat2(min, max) {
return min + Math.random() * (max - min)
* Return a random float centered around r, in [-r/2, r/2)
* @param {number} r The center float
* @returns {number} a float in [-r/2, r/2)
export function randomCentered(r) {
return randomFloat2(-r / 2, r / 2)
// Return float Gaussian normal with given mean, std deviation.
export function randomNormal(mean = 0.0, sigma = 1.0) {
// Box-Muller
const [u1, u2] = [1.0 - Math.random(), Math.random()] // ui in 0,1
const norm = Math.sqrt(-2.0 * Math.log(u1)) * Math.cos(2.0 * PI * u2)
return norm * sigma + mean
* Install a seeded random generator as Math.random
* Uses an optimized version of the Park-Miller PRNG.
* Math.random will return a sequence of "random" numbers in a known
* sequence. Useful for testing to see if the same results
* occur in multiple runs of a model with the same parameters.
* @param {number} [seed=123456]
export function randomSeed(seed = 123456) {
// doesn't repeat b4 JS dies.
// https://gist.github.com/blixt/f17b47c62508be59987b
seed = seed % 2147483647
Math.random = () => {
seed = (seed * 16807) % 2147483647
return (seed - 1) / 2147483646
* Round a number to be of a given decimal precision.
* If the number is an array, round each item in the array
* @param {number|Array} num The number to convert/shorten
* @param {number} [digits=4] The number of decimal digits
* @returns {number} The resulting number
export function precision(num, digits = 4) {
// if (num === -0) return 0 // deno doesn't like this
if (Math.abs(num) === 0) return 0
if (Array.isArray(num)) return num.map(val => precision(val, digits))
const mult = 10 ** digits
return Math.round(num * mult) / mult
// Return whether num is [Power of Two](http://goo.gl/tCfg5). Very clever!
export const isPowerOf2 = num => (num & (num - 1)) === 0 // twgl library
// Return next greater power of two. There are faster, see:
// [Stack Overflow](https://goo.gl/zvD78e)
export const nextPowerOf2 = num => Math.pow(2, Math.ceil(Math.log2(num)))
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Remainder
// The modulus is defined as: x - y * floor(x / y)
// It is not %, the remainder function.
* A true modulus function, differing from the % remainder operation.
* @param {number} v The value to calculate the modulus of
* @param {number} n The number relative to which the modulus is calculated.
* @returns {number} The value of v mod n
export function mod(v, n) {
return ((v % n) + n) % n // v - n * Math.floor(v / n)
// Wrap v around min, max values if v outside min, max
export const wrap = (v, min, max) => min + mod(v - min, max - min)
* Clamp a float to be between [min, max).
* @param {number} v value to clamp between min & max
* @param {number} min min value
* @param {number} max max value
* @returns {number} a float between min/max
export function clamp(v, min, max) {
if (v < min) return min
if (v > max) return max
return v
// Return true is val in [min, max] enclusive
export const isBetween = (val, min, max) => min <= val && val <= max
// Return a linear interpolation between lo and hi.
// Scale is in [0-1], a percentage, and the result is in [lo,hi]
// If lo>hi, scaling is from hi end of range.
// [Why the name `lerp`?](http://goo.gl/QrzMc)
export const lerp = (lo, hi, scale) =>
lo <= hi ? lo + (hi - lo) * scale : lo - (lo - hi) * scale
// Calculate the lerp scale given lo/hi pair and a number between them.
// Clamps number to be between lo & hi.
export function lerpScale(number, lo, hi) {
if (lo === hi) throw Error('lerpScale: lo === hi')
number = clamp(number, lo, hi)
return (number - lo) / (hi - lo)
// ### Geometry
// Degrees & Radians
// Note: quantity, not coord system xfm
// const toDegrees = 180 / PI
// const toRadians = PI / 180
export const toDeg = 180 / Math.PI
export const toRad = Math.PI / 180
* Convert from degrees to radians
* @param {number} degrees a value in degrees: in [0, 360)
* @returns {number} the value as radians: in [0, 2PI)
export function degToRad(degrees) {
return mod2pi(degrees * toRad)
* Convert from radians to degrees
* @param {number} radians a value in radians: in [0, 2PI)
* @returns {number} the value as degrees: in [0, 360)
export function radToDeg(radians) {
return mod360(radians * toDeg)
// export const radToDeg = radians => mod360(radians * toDeg)
// Wow. surprise: headingToDeg = degToHeading! Just like above.
// deg is absolute eucledian degrees direction
export const degToHeading = degrees => mod360(90 - degrees)
export const headingToDeg = heading => mod360(90 - heading)
export function mod360(degrees) {
return mod(degrees, 360)
export function mod2pi(radians) {
return mod(radians, 2 * PI)
// export function modpipi(radians) {
// return mod(radians, 2 * PI) - PI
// }
export function mod180180(degrees) {
let theta = mod360(degrees)
if (theta > 180) theta -= 360
return theta
// Heading & Radians: coord system
// * Heading is 0-up (y-axis), clockwise angle measured in degrees.
// * Rad is euclidean: 0-right (x-axis), counterclockwise in radians
* Convert from radians to heading
* Heading is 0-up (y-axis), clockwise angle measured in degrees.
* Radians is euclidean: 0-right (x-axis), counterclockwise in radians
* @param {number} radians a value in radians: in [0, 2PI)
* @returns {number} a value in degrees: in [0, 360)
export function radToHeading(radians) {
const deg = radians * toDeg
return mod360(90 - deg)
* Convert from heading to radians
* @param {number} heading a value in degrees: in [0, 360)
* @returns {number} a value in radians: in [0, 2PI)
export function headingToRad(heading) {
const deg = mod360(90 - heading)
return deg * toRad
// Relative angles in heading space: deg Heading => -deg Eucledian
export function radToHeadingAngle(radians) {
return -radToDeg(radians)
export function headingAngleToRad(headingAngle) {
return -degToRad(headingAngle)
// headingsEq === degreesEq
export function degreesEqual(deg1, deg2) {
return mod360(deg1) === mod360(deg2)
export function radsEqual(rads1, rads2) {
return mod2pi(rads1) === mod2pi(rads2)
export const headingsEq = degreesEqual
// Return angle (radians) in (-pi,pi] that added to rad0 = rad1
// See NetLogo's [subtract-headings](http://goo.gl/CjoHuV) for explanation
export function subtractRadians(rad1, rad0) {
let dr = mod2pi(rad1 - rad0) // - PI
if (dr > PI) dr = dr - 2 * PI
return dr
// Above using headings (degrees) returning degrees in (-180, 180]
export function subtractDegrees(deg1, deg0) {
let dAngle = mod360(deg1 - deg0) // - 180
if (dAngle > 180) dAngle = dAngle - 360
return dAngle
* Subtract two headings, returning the smaller difference.
* Computes the difference between the given headings, that is,
* the number of degrees in the smallest angle by which heading2
* could be rotated to produce heading1
* See NetLogo's [subtract-headings](http://goo.gl/CjoHuV) for explanation
* @param {number} head1 The first heading in degrees
* @param {number} head0 The second heading in degrees
* @returns {number} The smallest andle from head0 to head1
export function subtractHeadings(head1, head0) {
return -subtractDegrees(head1, head0)
// Return angle in [-pi,pi] radians from (x,y) to (x1,y1)
// [See: Math.atan2](http://goo.gl/JS8DF)
export function radiansTowardXY(x, y, x1, y1) {
return Math.atan2(y1 - y, x1 - x)
// Above using headings (degrees) returning degrees in [-90, 90]
export function headingTowardXY(x, y, x1, y1) {
return radToHeading(radiansTowardXY(x, y, x1, y1))
// Above using degrees returning degrees in [-90, 90]
export function degreesTowardXY(x, y, x1, y1) {
return radToDeg(radiansTowardXY(x, y, x1, y1))
// Return true if x,y is within cone.
// Cone: origin x0,y0 in direction angle, with coneAngle width in radians.
// All angles in radians
export function inCone(x, y, radius, coneAngle, direction, x0, y0) {
if (sqDistance(x0, y0, x, y) > radius * radius) return false
const angle12 = radiansTowardXY(x0, y0, x, y) // angle from 1 to 2
return coneAngle / 2 >= Math.abs(subtractRadians(direction, angle12))
// AltAz: Alt is deg from xy plane, 180 up, -180 down, Az is heading
// We choose Phi radians from xy plane, "math" is often from Z axis
// REMIND: some prefer -90, 90
// export function altAzToAnglePhi(alt, az) {
// const angle = headingToRad(az)
// const phi = modpipi(alt * toRad)
// return [angle, phi]
// }
// export function anglePhiToAltAz(angle, phi) {
// const az = radToHeading(angle)
// const alt = mod180180(phi * toDeg)
// return [alt, az]
// }
// Return distance between (x, y), (x1, y1)
export const sqDistance = (x, y, x1, y1) => (x - x1) ** 2 + (y - y1) ** 2
export const distance = (x, y, x1, y1) => Math.sqrt(sqDistance(x, y, x1, y1))
export const sqDistance3 = (x, y, z, x1, y1, z1) =>
(x - x1) ** 2 + (y - y1) ** 2 + (z - z1) ** 2
export const distance3 = (x, y, z, x1, y1, z1) =>
Math.sqrt(sqDistance3(x, y, z, x1, y1, z1))
// ### Models
// model can be:
// - a path to the class Model. uses Model.default. careful! use import.meta
// - a class Model
// - a model
// if either of the first two, they're converted to a model
// the model is called w/ default, no args.. i.e. model()
// async arg: if true use timeoutLoop, otherwise a simple for loop
export async function runModel(model, steps = 500, useSeed = true) {
console.log('runModel: model', model)
if (useSeed) randomSeed()
// if passing in a url, remember that util.js is in the src/ scope
if (isString(model)) model = (await import(model)).default
if (isFunction(model)) model = new model() // model is a class
// console.log('runModel model', model)
await model.startup()
if (inMain()) {
await timeoutLoop(() => {
}, steps)
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < steps; i++) model.step()
return model
// From Model
// needsStartup() {
// // return this.hasOwnProperty('startUp')
// // const proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(this)
// // // console.log('proto', proto)
// // // window.proto = proto
// // return proto.startUp !== undefined
// return new Model().startup !== this.startup
// }
export function classHasStartup(Class) {
console.log('classHasStartup?', Class)
const str = Class.toString()
let lines = str.split('\n')
lines = lines.filter(line => !/^ *\/\//.test(line))
lines = lines.filter(line => /startup\(\)/.test(line))
// console.log('classHasStartup', lines.length > 0)
return lines.length > 0
export function toJSON(obj, indent = 0, topLevelArrayOK = true) {
let firstCall = topLevelArrayOK
const blackList = ['rectCache']
const json = JSON.stringify(
(key, val) => {
if (blackList.includes(key)) {
// if (key === 'rectCache') return val.length
return undefined
const isAgentArray =
Array.isArray(val) &&
val.length > 0 &&
if (isAgentArray && !firstCall) {
return val.map(v => v.id)
firstCall = false
return val
return json
* Return an object with samples of the models components.
* Useful for testing Models without needing a View, just data.
* @param {Model} model A model to sample
* @returns {Object} An object with all the samples
export function sampleModel(model) {
const obj = {
ticks: model.ticks,
model: Object.keys(model),
patches: model.patches.length,
patch: model.patches.oneOf(),
turtles: model.turtles.length,
turtle: model.turtles.oneOf(),
links: model.links.length,
link: model.links.oneOf(),
const json = toJSON(obj)
return JSON.parse(json)
// ### Arrays, Objects and Iteration
// Three handy functions for defaults & properties
// Identity fcn, returning its argument unchanged. Used in callbacks
export const identityFcn = o => o
// No-op function, does nothing. Used for default callback.
export const noopFcn = () => {}
// Return function returning an object's property. Property in fcn closure.
export const propFcn = prop => o => o[prop]
export function arraysEqual(a1, a2) {
if (a1.length !== a2.length) return false
for (let i = 0; i < a1.length; i++) {
// if (a1[i] !== a2[i]) console.log('arraysEqual: unequal at', i)
if (a1[i] !== a2[i]) return false
return true
export function removeArrayItem(array, item) {
const ix = array.indexOf(item)
if (ix !== -1) {
array.splice(ix, 1)
} else {
throw Error(`removeArrayItem: ${item} not in array`)
// else console.log(`removeArrayItem: ${item} not in array`)
return array // for chaining
// Return a string representation of an array of arrays
export const arraysToString = arrays => arrays.map(a => `${a}`).join(',')
// Execute fcn for all own member of an obj or array (typed OK).
// Return input arrayOrObj, transformed by fcn.
// - Unlike forEach, does not skip undefines.
// - Like map, forEach, etc, fcn = fcn(item, key/index, obj).
// - Alternatives are: `for..of`, array map, reduce, filter etc
export function forLoop(arrayOrObj, fcn) {
if (arrayOrObj.slice) {
// typed & std arrays
for (let i = 0, len = arrayOrObj.length; i < len; i++) {
fcn(arrayOrObj[i], i, arrayOrObj)
} else {
// obj
Object.keys(arrayOrObj).forEach(k => fcn(arrayOrObj[k], k, arrayOrObj))
// Repeat function f(i, a) n times, i in 0, n-1
// a is optional array, default a new Array.
// Return a.
* Repeats the function f(i, a) i in 0, n-1.
* a is an optional array, default a new empty Array
* returns a, only needed if f() places data in a
* @param {number} n An integer number of times to run f()
* @param {function} f The function called.
* @param {Array} [a=[]] An optional array for use by f()
* @returns {Array} N results of calling f() n times
export function repeat(n, f, a = []) {
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) f(i, a)
return a
// Repeat function n times, incrementing i by step each call.
export function step(n, step, f) {
for (let i = 0; i < n; i += step) f(i)
// Return range [0, length-1]. Note: 6x faster than Array.from!
export function range(length) {
return repeat(length, (i, a) => {
a[i] = i
export function grep(array, regex) {
return array.reduce((acc, val) => {
if (regex.test(val)) acc.push(val)
return acc
}, [])
// Return a new array that is the concatination two arrays.
// The resulting Type is that of the first array.
export function concatArrays(array1, array2) {
const Type = array1.constructor
if (Type === Array) {
return array1.concat(convertArrayType(array2, Array))
const array = new Type(array1.length + array2.length)
// NOTE: typedArray.set() allows any Array or TypedArray arg
array.set(array2, array1.length)
return array
// Convert obj to string via JSON. Use indent = 0 for one-liner
// jsKeys true removes the jsonKeys quotes
export function objectToString(obj, indent = 2, jsKeys = true) {
let str = JSON.stringify(obj, null, indent)
if (jsKeys) str = str.replace(/"([^"]+)":/gm, '$1:')
return str
export function objectLength(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj).length
// Compare Objects or Arrays via JSON string. Note: TypedArrays !== Arrays
export const objectsEqual = (a, b) => JSON.stringify(a) === JSON.stringify(b)
* Return random item from an array
* @param {Array} An array to choose from
* @returns {any} The chosen item
// Return random one of array items.
export function oneOf(array) {
return array[randomInt(array.length)]
export function otherOneOf(array, item) {
if (array.length < 2) throw Error('otherOneOf: array.length < 2')
let other
do {
other = oneOf(array)
} while (item === other) // note var use
return other
// Random key/val of object
export const oneKeyOf = obj => oneOf(Object.keys(obj))
export const oneValOf = obj => obj[oneKeyOf(obj)]
// You'd think this wasn't necessary, but I always forget. Damn.
// NOTE: this, like sort, sorts in place. Clone array if needed.
export function sortNums(array, ascending = true) {
return array.sort((a, b) => (ascending ? a - b : b - a))
// Sort an array of objects w/ fcn(obj) as compareFunction.
// If fcn is a string, convert to propFcn.
export function sortObjs(array, fcn, ascending = true) {
if (typeof fcn === 'string') fcn = propFcn(fcn)
const comp = (a, b) => fcn(a) - fcn(b)
return array.sort((a, b) => (ascending ? comp(a, b) : -comp(a, b)))
// Randomize array in-place. Use clone() first if new array needed
// The array is returned for chaining; same as input array.
// See [Durstenfeld / Fisher-Yates-Knuth shuffle](https://goo.gl/mfbdPh)
export function shuffle(array) {
for (let i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
const j = randomInt(i)
;[array[j], array[i]] = [array[i], array[j]]
// const temp = array[i]
// array[i] = array[j]
// array[j] = temp
return array
// Set operations on arrays
// union: elements in a1 or a2
export function union(a1, a2) {
return Array.from(new Set(a1.concat(a2)))
// intersection: elements in a1 and a2
export function intersection(a1, a2) {
// intersection = new Set([...set1].filter(x => set2.has(x)))
const set2 = new Set(a2)
return a1.filter(x => set2.has(x))
// Difference: elements from a1 not in a2
export function difference(a1, a2) {
// difference = new Set([...set1].filter(x => !set2.has(x)))
const set2 = new Set(a2)
return a1.filter(x => !set2.has(x))
// Return a "ramp" (array of uniformly ascending/descending floats)
// in [start,stop] with numItems (positive integer > 1).
// OK for start>stop. Will always include start/stop w/in float accuracy.
export function floatRamp(start, stop, numItems) {
// NOTE: start + step*i, where step is (stop-start)/(numItems-1),
// has float accuracy problems, must recalc step each iteration.
if (numItems <= 1) throw Error('floatRamp: numItems must be > 1')
const a = []
for (let i = 0; i < numItems; i++) {
a.push(start + (stop - start) * (i / (numItems - 1)))
return a
// Integer version of floatRamp, start & stop integers, rounding each element.
// Default numItems yields unit step between start & stop.
export function integerRamp(start, stop, numItems = stop - start + 1) {
return floatRamp(start, stop, numItems).map(a => Math.round(a))
// Return an array normalized (lerp) between lo/hi values
// export function normalize(array, lo = 0, hi = 1) {
// const [min, max] = [arrayMin(array), arrayMax(array)]
// const scale = 1 / (max - min)
// return array.map(n => lerp(lo, hi, scale * (n - min)))
// }
// // Return Uint8ClampedArray normalized in 0-255
// export function normalize8(array) {
// return new Uint8ClampedArray(normalize(array, -0.5, 255.5))
// }
// // Return Array normalized to integers in lo-hi
// export function normalizeInt(array, lo, hi) {
// return normalize(array, lo, hi).map(n => Math.round(n))
// }
// get nested property like obj.foo.bar.baz:
// const val = nestedProperty(obj, 'foo.bar.baz')
// Optimized for path length up to 4, else uses path.reduce()
export function nestedProperty(obj, path) {
if (typeof path === 'string') path = path.split('.')
switch (path.length) {
case 1:
return obj[path[0]]
case 2:
return obj[path[0]][path[1]]
case 3:
return obj[path[0]][path[1]][path[2]]
case 4:
return obj[path[0]][path[1]][path[2]][path[3]]
return path.reduce((obj, param) => obj[param], obj)
export const arrayLast = array => array[array.length - 1]
export const arrayMax = array => array.reduce((a, b) => Math.max(a, b))
export const arrayMin = array => array.reduce((a, b) => Math.min(a, b))
export const arrayExtent = array => [arrayMin(array), arrayMax(array)]
export const arraysDiff = (a1, a2, ifcn = i => i) => {
if (a1.length !== a2.length)
return console.log('lengths differ', a1.length, a2.length)
const diffs = []
for (let i = 0; i < a1.length; i++) {
if (a1[i] !== a2[i]) diffs.push([ifcn(i), a1[i], a2[i]])
return diffs
export function arrayToMatrix(array, width, height) {
if (array.length !== width * height)
throw Error('arrayToMatrix: length !== width * height')
const matrix = []
for (let i = 0; i < height; i++) {
const row = array.slice(i * width, (i + 1) * width)
return matrix
export const matrixToArray = matrix => matrix.flat()
// ### OofA/AofO
export function isOofA(data) {
if (!isObject(data)) return false
return Object.values(data).every(v => isTypedArray(v))
export function toOofA(aofo, spec) {
const length = aofo.length
const keys = Object.keys(spec)
const oofa = {}
keys.forEach(k => {
oofa[k] = new spec[k](length)
forLoop(aofo, (o, i) => {
keys.forEach(key => (oofa[key][i] = o[key]))
return oofa
export function oofaObject(oofa, i, keys) {
const obj = {}
keys.forEach(key => {
obj[key] = oofa[key][i]
return obj
export function toAofO(oofa, keys = Object.keys(oofa)) {
const length = oofa[keys[0]].length
const aofo = new Array(length)
forLoop(aofo, (val, i) => {
aofo[i] = oofaObject(oofa, i, keys)
return aofo
export function oofaBuffers(postData) {
const buffers = []
forLoop(postData, obj => forLoop(obj, a => buffers.push(a.buffer)))
return buffers
// ### Types
// Fix the javascript typeof operator https://goo.gl/Efdzk5
export const typeOf = obj =>
export const isType = (obj, string) => typeOf(obj) === string
export const isOneOfTypes = (obj, array) => array.includes(typeOf(obj))
export const isString = obj => isType(obj, 'string')
export const isObject = obj => isType(obj, 'object')
// export const isArray = obj => isType(obj, 'array')
export const isArray = obj => Array.isArray(obj)
export const isNumber = obj => isType(obj, 'number')
// Is a number an integer (rather than a float w/ non-zero fractional part)
export const isInteger = n => Number.isInteger(n)
// export const isFloat = n => isNumber(n) && n % 1 !== 0 // https://goo.gl/6MS0Tm
export const isFunction = obj => isType(obj, 'function')
export const isImage = obj => isType(obj, 'image')
export const isCanvas = obj =>
isOneOfTypes(obj, ['htmlcanvaselement', 'offscreencanvas'])
export const isImageable = obj =>
isOneOfTypes(obj, [
// Typed Arrays:
export const isTypedArray = obj => typeOf(obj.buffer) === 'arraybuffer'
export const isUintArray = obj => /^uint.*array$/.test(typeOf(obj))
export const isIntArray = obj => /^int.*array$/.test(typeOf(obj))
export const isFloatArray = obj => /^float.*array$/.test(typeOf(obj))
export const isArrayLike = obj => isArray(obj) || isTypedArray(obj)
export const isColorLikeArray = obj =>
isArrayLike(obj) &&
[3, 4].includes(obj.length) &&
i =>
(isInteger(i) && isBetween(i, 0, 255)) ||
(isNumber(i) && isBetween(i, 0, 1))
export function isLittleEndian() {
const d32 = new Uint32Array([0x01020304])
return new Uint8ClampedArray(d32.buffer)[0] === 4
// Convert Array or TypedArray to given Type (Array or TypedArray).
// Result same length as array, precision may be lost.
export function convertArrayType(array, Type) {
const Type0 = array.constructor
if (Type0 === Type) return array // return array if already same Type
return Type.from(array) // Use .from (both TypedArrays and Arrays)
export function isDataSet(obj) {
// return typeOf(obj) === 'object' && obj.width != null && obj.height != null
return typeOf(obj) === 'object' && obj.width && obj.height && obj.data
// Unused:
// export const isWebglArray = obj =>
// Array.isArray(obj) && obj.length === 3 && util.arrayMax(obj) <= 1
// isHtmlElement: obj => /^html.*element$/.test(typeOf(obj))
// isImage: obj => isType(obj, 'image')
// isImageBitmap: obj => isType(obj, 'imagebitmap')
// // Is undefined, null, bool, number, string, symbol
// isPrimitive: obj => obj == null || 'object' != typeof obj
// Return array's type (Array or TypedArray variant)
// typeName: obj => obj.constructor.name
// xxxx End of jsUtil
// xxxx Begnning of domUtils
// import {
// inWorker,
// inMain,
// inDeno,
// typeOf,
// isDataSet,
// isTypedArray,
// isObject,
// step,
// } from './jsUtils.js'
// function inWorker() {
// // return !inNode() && typeof self.window === 'undefined'
// return globalThis.WorkerGlobalScope !== undefined
// }
// ### Beginning of the functions requiring the dom
// ### Async & I/O
// download canvas as png or jpeg. Canvas can be a dataURL.
// quality is default. For lossless jpeg, set to 1
export function downloadCanvas(can, name = 'download.png', quality = null) {
if (!(name.endsWith('.png') || name.endsWith('.jpeg'))) name = name + '.png'
const type = name.endsWith('.png') ? 'image/png' : 'image/jpeg'
const url = typeOf(can) === 'string' ? can : can.toDataURL(type, quality)
const link = document.createElement('a')
link.download = name
link.href = url
// blobable = ArrayBuffer, ArrayBufferView, Blob, String
// Objects & Arrays too, converted to json
export function downloadBlob(blobable, name = 'download', format = true) {
if (isDataSet(blobable) && !Array.isArray(blobable.data))
blobable.data = Array.from(blobable.data)
if (isTypedArray(blobable)) blobable = Array.from(blobable)
if (isObject(blobable) || Array.isArray(blobable))
blobable = format
? JSON.stringify(blobable, null, 2)
: JSON.stringify(blobable)
const blob = typeOf(blobable) === 'blob' ? blobable : new Blob([blobable])
const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob)
const link = document.createElement('a')
link.download = name
link.href = url
export function downloadJson(json, name = 'json.js') {
downloadBlob(json, name)
export function downloadJsonModule(json, name = 'json.js') {
const string = JSON.stringify(json, null, 2)
const module = `const json = ${string}
export default json`
downloadBlob(module, name)
// ### Canvas & Image
* Return a Promise for getting an image.
* See https://deno.land/x/skia_canvas/mod.ts?s=Image for Image in deno
* use: imagePromise('./path/to/img').then(img => imageFcn(img))
* or: await imagePromise('./path/to/img')
* @param {string} url URL for path to image
* @returns {Promise} A promise resolving to the image
export async function imagePromise(url, preferDOM = true) {
if ((inMain() && preferDOM) || inDeno()) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const img = new Image()
img.crossOrigin = 'Anonymous'
img.onload = () => resolve(img)
img.onerror = () => reject(`Could not load image ${url}`)
img.src = url
} else if (inWorker() || !preferDOM) {
// { mode: 'cors' } ?
const blob = await fetch(url).then(response => response.blob())
return createImageBitmap(blob)
export async function fetchImage(url) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const img = new Image()
img.crossOrigin = 'Anonymous'
img.onload = () => resolve(img)
img.onerror = () => reject(`Could not load image ${url}`)
img.src = url
export async function fetchImageBitmap(url) {
const blob = await fetchData(url, 'blob')
return createImageBitmap(blob)
// export function imageSize(img) {
// if (inDeno()) {
// return [img.width(), img.height()]
// } else {
// return [img.width, img.height]
// }
// }
// function offscreenOK() {
// // return !!self.OffscreenCanvas
// // return typeof OffscreenCanvas !== 'undefined'
// return inWorker()
// }
* Create a blank 2D canvas of a given width/height.
* @param {number} width The canvas height in pixels
* @param {number} height The canvas width in pixels
* @param {boolean} [preferDOM=false] If false, return "Offscreen" canvas
* @returns {Canvas} The resulting Canvas object
// export function createCanvas(width, height, offscreen = offscreenOK()) {
// if (offscreen) return new OffscreenCanvas(width, height)
// const can = document.createElement('canvas')
// can.width = width
// can.height = height
// return can
// }
export function createCanvas(width, height, preferDOM = true) {
if (inMain() && preferDOM) {
const can = document.createElement('canvas')
can.width = width
can.height = height
return can
} else if (inDeno()) {
return globalThis.createCanvas(width, height)
} else if (inWorker() || !preferDOM) {
return new OffscreenCanvas(width, height)
* As above, but returing the 2D context object instead of the canvas.
* Note ctx.canvas is the canvas for the ctx, and can be use as an image.
* @param {number} width The canvas height in pixels
* @param {number} height The canvas width in pixels
* @param {boolean} [offscreen=offscreenOK()] If true, return "Offscreen" canvas
* @returns {Context2D} The resulting Canvas's 2D context
export function createCtx(width, height, preferDOM = true, attrs = {}) {
// const can = createCanvas(width, height, offscreen)
// return can.getContext('2d', attrs)
const can = createCanvas(width, height, preferDOM)
const ctx = can.getContext('2d', attrs)
if (inDeno()) {
const ctxObj = {
canvas: can,
Object.setPrototypeOf(ctxObj, ctx)
return ctxObj
} else {
return ctx
// FIX or drop
// Duplicate a canvas, preserving it's current image/drawing
export function cloneCanvas(can, preferDOM = true) {
const ctx = createCtx(can.width, can.height, preferDOM)
ctx.drawImage(can, 0, 0)
return ctx.canvas
// Resize a ctx in-place and preserve image. SpriteSheet
export function resizeCtx(ctx, width, height) {
const copy = cloneCanvas(ctx.canvas)
ctx.canvas.width = width
ctx.canvas.height = height
ctx.drawImage(copy, 0, 0)
// // Return new canvas scaled by width, height and preserve image.
// export function resizeCanvas(
// can,
// width,
// height = (width / can.width) * can.height
// ) {
// const ctx = createCtx(width, height)
// ctx.drawImage(can, 0, 0, width, height)
// return ctx.canvas
// }
// Set the ctx/canvas size if differs from width/height.
// It does not install a transform and assumes there is not one currently installed.
// The World object can do that for AgentSets.
// Can move to World
export function setCanvasSize(can, width, height) {
if (can.width !== width || can.height != height) {
can.width = width
can.height = height
// export function canvasToImage(can) {
// var img = new Image()
// img.src = can.toDataURL()
// }
// Install identity transform for this context.
// Call ctx.restore() to revert to previous transform.
export function setIdentity(ctx) {
ctx.save() // NOTE: Does not change state, only saves current state.
ctx.resetTransform() // or ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
// Set the text font, align and baseline drawing parameters.
// Ctx can be either a canvas context or a DOM element
// See [reference](http://goo.gl/AvEAq) for details.
// * font is a HTML/CSS string like: "9px sans-serif"
// * align is left right center start end
// * baseline is top hanging middle alphabetic ideographic bottom
export function setTextProperties(
textAlign = 'center',
textBaseline = 'middle'
) {
Object.assign(ctx, { font, textAlign, textBaseline })
// bboxCtx is reused on every call to stringMetrics
// const bboxCtx = createCtx(0, 0)
let bboxCtx
export function stringMetrics(
textAlign = 'center',
textBaseline = 'middle'
) {
// bboxCtx ??= createCtx(0, 0)
if (!bboxCtx) bboxCtx = createCtx(0, 0)
setTextProperties(bboxCtx, font, textAlign, textBaseline)
const metrics = bboxCtx.measureText(string)
metrics.height = // not sure how safe this is but..
metrics.actualBoundingBoxAscent + metrics.actualBoundingBoxDescent
return metrics
// Draw string of the given color at the xy location, in ctx pixel coords.
// Use setIdentity .. reset if a transform is being used by caller.
export function drawText(ctx, string, x, y, color, useIdentity = true) {
if (useIdentity) setIdentity(ctx)
ctx.fillStyle = color.css || color // OK to use Color.typedColor
ctx.fillText(string, x, y)
if (useIdentity) ctx.restore()
// Return the (complete) ImageData object for this context object
export function ctxImageData(ctx) {
return ctx.getImageData(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height)
// Return ctx data as an array of typed array rgba colors
export function ctxImageColors(ctx) {
const typedArray = ctxImageData(ctx).data
const colors = []
step(typedArray.length, 4, i => colors.push(typedArray.subarray(i, i + 4)))
return colors
// Return ctx data as an array of Uint32Array rgba pixels
export function ctxImagePixels(ctx) {
const imageData = ctxImageData(ctx)
const pixels = new Uint32Array(imageData.data.buffer)
return pixels
// Clear this context using the cssColor.
// If no color or if color === 'transparent', clear to transparent.
export function clearCtx(ctx, cssColor = undefined) {
const { width, height } = ctx.canvas
if (!cssColor || cssColor === 'transparent') {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height)
} else {
cssColor = cssColor.css || cssColor
ctx.fillStyle = cssColor
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height)
// These image functions use "imagable" objects: Image, ImageBitmap, Canvas ...
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CanvasImageSource
export function imageToCtx(img) {
// const [width, height] = imageSize(img)
const { width, height } = img
const ctx = createCtx(width, height)
// const ctx = createCtx(img.width, img.height)
fillCtxWithImage(ctx, img)
return ctx
export function imageToCanvas(img) {
return imageToCtx(img).canvas
// Fill this context with the given image. Will scale image to fit ctx size.
export function fillCtxWithImage(ctx, img) {
setIdentity(ctx) // set/restore identity
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height)
* Fill this context with the given image, resizing it to img size if needed.
* @param {Context2D} ctx a canvas 2D context
* @param {Image} img the Image to install in this ctx
export function setCtxImage(ctx, img) {
setCanvasSize(ctx.canvas, img.width, img.height)
fillCtxWithImage(ctx, img)
// ### Debug
* Merge a module's obj key/val pairs into to the global/window namespace.
* Primary use is to make console logging easier when debugging
* modules.
* @param {Object} obj Object who's key/val pairs will be installed in window.
export function toWindow(obj) {
Object.assign(window, obj)
console.log('toWindow:', Object.keys(obj).join(', '))
export function dump(model = window.model) {
const { patches: ps, turtles: ts, links: ls } = model
Object.assign(window, { ps, ts, ls })
window.p = ps.length > 0 ? ps.oneOf() : {}
window.t = ts.length > 0 ? ts.oneOf() : {}
window.l = ls.length > 0 ? ls.oneOf() : {}
console.log('debug: ps, ts, ls, p, t, l dumped to window')
// ### Dom
export function addCssLink(url) {
const link = document.createElement('link')
link.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet')
link.setAttribute('href', url)
export async function fetchCssStyle(url) {
if (url.startsWith('../')) {
console.log('fetchCssStyle relative url', url)
url = import.meta.resolve(url)
console.log(' absolute url', url)
const response = await fetch(url)
if (!response.ok) throw Error(`fetchCssStyle: Not found: ${url}`)
const css = await response.text()
return css
export function addCssStyle(css) {
// document.head.innerHTML += `<style>${css}</style>`
const style = document.createElement('style')
style.innerHTML = css
// REST:
// Parse the query, returning an object of key / val pairs.
export function getQueryString() {
return window.location.search.substr(1)
export function parseQueryString(
// paramsString = window.location.search.substr(1)
paramsString = getQueryString()
) {
const results = {}
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(paramsString)
for (const pair of searchParams.entries()) {
let [key, val] = pair
if (val.match(/^[0-9.]+$/) || val.match(/^[0-9.]+e[0-9]+$/))
val = Number(val)
if (['true', 't', ''].includes(val)) val = true
if (['false', 'f'].includes(val)) val = false
results[key] = val
return results
// Merge the querystring into the default parameters
export function RESTapi(parameters) {
return Object.assign(parameters, parseQueryString())
// Print a message to an html element
// Default to document.body if in browser.
// If msg is an object, convert to JSON
// (object canot have cycles etc)
// If element is string, find element by ID
export function printToPage(msg, element = document.body) {
// if (isObject(msg)) {
if (typeof msg === 'object') {
msg = JSON.stringify(msg, null, 2)
// msg = '<pre>' + msg + '</pre>'
msg = '<pre>' + msg + '</pre>'
if (typeof element === 'string') {
element = document.getElementById(element)
element.style.fontFamily = 'monospace'
element.innerHTML += msg //+ '<br />'
// Get element (i.e. canvas) relative x,y position from event/mouse position.
// http://goo.gl/356S91
export function getEventXY(element, evt) {
const rect = element.getBoundingClientRect()
return [evt.clientX - rect.left, evt.clientY - rect.top]
// ### Math
// ### Geometry
// ### Models
// ### Arrays, Objects and Iteration
// ### OofA/AofO
// ### Types
// could have some of the types that are dom oriented. TypedArrays too?
// xxxx End of domUtils