What is Agentscript?

Agentscript is an open source javascript library for writing agent-based models. It is inspired by a programming language called Netlogo.

How does it work?

In AgentScript, you fill a world with three ingredients: turtles, patches, and links.

Your program describes the behavior of each of these actors and how they interact with each other. Let's see an example.


First things first, let's make a turtle:


Click the "run once" button to execute that code once.

You'll see a turtle appear in the center of the world. It has the shape of a chevron.

This tutorial assumes you have a little familiarity with javascript. If you have never seen javascript before, or if you want a refresher, try out this interactive tutorial: Javascript in 14 Minutes.

Now that we have a turtle, we can ask it do something, like move forward:

model.turtles.ask(turtle => {

If you are familiar with javascript, it may help to know that turtles.ask() has the same meaning as turtles.forEach().

If you keep telling a turtle to move forward, it will eventually hit the edge of the world and wrap around to the other side!

We can also ask turtles to rotate:

model.turtles.ask(turtle => {

Or both — move forward and rotate:

model.turtles.ask(turtle => {

Try changing one of the numbers in the above code so that the turtle makes smaller steps, or bigger turns.

Instead of working one step at a time, things get really interesting when you run a behavior over and over again.

I added a "run forever" button to the code snippet above. Try it out!

model.turtles.ask(turtle => {

How about a little randomness? Here's the same code, as before, but this time using util.randomInt() to pick a random angle to turn to the right and to the left. The result is turtles that wander randomly around the world:

model.turtles.ask(turtle => {

If you haven't already, try adding a bunch more turtles!



Two turtles can create links between themselves. This is useful for creating a network, such as streets for turtles to drive on. Here is a simple example: Link Travel

Try this, making sure you have lots of turtles. You can use the create(10) above.

const turtle1 = model.turtles.oneOf()
const turtle2 =
const link =
    model.links.createOne(turtle1, turtle2)


The world where the turtles live and move is divided up into a bunch of small squares called patches.

A turtle always knows what patch it's on — this is stored in turtle.patch.

Right now, all the patches are black, which is why the world behind the turtles looks like a big black square.

Let's pretend like our turtles are ants, and they are dropping chemical pheromones everywhere they walk (this is in fact how ants communicate!)

model.turtles.ask(turtle => {
    turtle.patch.pheromone += 10

The landscape is now filling up with pheromones!

I set up the patches ahead of time so that their color depends on how much pheromone they have. This is the color scale I'm using:

myColorMap = ColorMap.gradientColorMap(
    8, ['black', 'purple', 'yellow']

Try changing the number or names of the colors in the code block above.

The size and number of patches that make up the world can also be configured — we'll look at how to edit that later.

Now let's make the pheromone evaporate over time:

model.turtles.ask(turtle => {
    turtle.patch.pheromone += 10

model.patches.ask(patch => {
    patch.pheromone *= 0.99